
5 Ways to Improve Your Workplace Ergonomics

Workplace Ergonomics with our Fremont Chiropractor

Quick: how's your posture? At Brainard Chiropractic, our Fremont chiropractor, Dr. Troy Brainard has a lot to say about posture and how it can influence your health and comfort. He helps hundreds of his patients every year recover from common work-related injuries (including back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and tendonitis).

Woman with a hurt back at work.

5 Ways to Improve Your Workplace Ergonomics

Whether you have a desk job or a physically demanding job, there are plenty of ways you can make sure your body is safer while on the clock:

1. Take standing and walking rest breaks throughout the day.

Sitting actually imposes more stress on your spine than standing or walking. So, getting up frequently throughout the day will help relieve pressure on your spine, facilitate improved circulation, and reduce stiffness in the muscles, joints, and other connective tissues within your body.

2. Place your computer monitor at eye level and an arm's distance away from you. 

If you keep your computer monitor too close to you, placed at an angle, and lower than eye level, you're essentially forcing yourself into a poor posture. 

3. Avoid slouching. 

The common protracted, internally rotated, and depressed position of shoulders, as well as the forward head and bent neck that often occurs with it place extensive strain and tension on the spine and shoulders. We recommend sitting relaxed yet upright with your head centered over your spine (ears in line with shoulders), and make sure your arms are supported. 

4. Stay well-hydrated.

Two reasons why we suggest this surprising strategy for improving workplace ergonomics: well-hydrated tissues are more pliable and healthier, plus the frequent bathroom breaks will help you fulfill tip number 1!

5. Consult with a chiropractor.

Our chiropractor uses natural and drug-free techniques to relieve pain associated with work-related stresses and strain. This includes chiropractic adjustments, cold laser therapy, and postural screening and re-training. Not only can Dr. Brainard help you relive your symptoms—he can teach you how to position yourself better at work and in life in order to prevent recurring issues.

Contact Our Fremont Chiropractor Today

If you live near Fremont, North Bend, or surrounding Nebraska communities, contact our team here at Brainard Chiropractic for help recovering or preventing from a work-related injury. To schedule your initial consultation or find out more about our drug-free services, call us now at (402) 727-8668.


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