
Sports Injury FAQs

Sports Injury FAQs

Are you an active person? Regular exercise is great for the mind and body, and participating in sports is a fun, engaging way to stay fit and healthy. But any physical activity carries the danger of injury. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, nearly 2.9 million Americans are injured each year while playing sports. At Brainard Chiropractic, we’ve helped many Fremont athletes and weekend warriors with their sports injury recoveries.

What Are the Most Common Types of Sports Injuries?

There are several ways you can injure yourself while playing sports. Though, the specific game or activity contributes to the risks. However, the most common sports injuries are as follows:

  • General strains and sprains
  • Ankle sprains
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • ACL tears
  • Hamstring strains
  • Groin pulls
  • Shin splints
  • Golf or tennis elbow
  • Wrist injuries
  • Foot injuries
  • Concussions

What Is RICE and How Does It Help?

RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. This acronym describes the steps you should take right away when you have suffered a muscle injury, such as a strain or sprain to your knee, elbow, or other joints.

You should take a break from the activity immediately to rest your injured area. Apply ice packs to the injury to reduce inflammation, then wrap the limb to compress the spot to further limit swelling. Finally, keep the area elevated as much as possible.

How Do I Prevent a Sports Injury?

You cannot prevent every sports injury. However, there are things you can do to lessen the risk. Warm-up and stretch your muscles before you jump into any physical activity. Don’t overdo it while active and listen to your body.

How Does Brainard Chiropractic’s Sports Injury Treatment Help?

We have more than two decades of experience in chiropractic care that includes helping athletes recover from a range of sports injuries. Our sports injury treatments can help shorten recovery times, manage and minimize pain, and support better musculoskeletal health.

Ready to Start Your Sports Injury Treatment?

Don’t suffer from an untreated sports injury. Call Brainard Chiropractic in Fremont at 402-727-8668 to discuss our personalized sports injury treatment options.


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